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Sermon Title: Yahweh Remembers; Luke 1:5-12

"Learning that God always remembers His promises-- as well as ours!"

Recorded on: Sunday, 01/10/2021 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 01/10/2021. When Zechariah was chosen by lot to perform the priestly duty of burning incense, he considered it to be a great privilege. But this faithful member of the Messianic Community had no idea how great his privilege actually was! For he was not only to be the father of the herald of the Messiah, but he was also chosen to receive the first revelation from God in 400 years, as Gabriel the archangel appeared to him in the Temple. We will analyze this encounter as Luke introduces the parents of John the Baptist in a way that firmly grounds his Gospel in the Redemptive History of Israel. But most importantly, we will learn that God is faithful to His covenants, remembering and ultimately fulfilling every promise He has ever made. And as this man with the Hebrew name "Zakar-yah" stands before the messenger of God, we will find this blessed principle in the very meaning of his name-- "Yahweh Remembers"!