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Sermon Title: When Evil "Backfires"; John 18:29-32

"What the Sanhedrin meant for evil, God meant for good."

Recorded on: Friday, 04/07/2023 at 06:30 PM

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Delivered during the Good Friday worship service, 04/07/2023. As we continue our yearly Good Friday series, we return to John's Gospel to find the Sanhedrin with a beaten and bound Jesus, standing outside Pilate's house. Their intent is clearly evil-- to hand Jesus over to Pilate so he will crucify Him. We will analyze the tense dialogue between them and realize that the religious leaders will accept nothing short of crucifixion for their own wicked reasons. But as is the case throughout Scripture, God often allows the evil intent of satan's agents to materialize, but turns the results to His will and to good. In this case, their insistence of hanging Jesus on a tree in order to see Him "cursed", totally backfires on them, bringing about the ultimate destruction of sin and death and sealing the fate of satan in the process! The Sanhedrin meant it for evil, but God meant it for good. And therefore, evil backfires!