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Sermon Title: The Meeting of Two Wombs; Luke 1:39-45

"Exploring the relationship between Providence and faith when Mary and Elizabeth meet."

Recorded on: Sunday, 02/14/2021 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 02/14/2021. After learning of her pregnancy Mary hurries to see the only person on earth who might understand her situation-- her relative Elizabeth. When the two women meet, Elizabeth is filled with the Holy Spirit and her baby leaps for joy in her womb. Elizabeth then launches into the first of five beautiful songs in Luke's Nativity narrative, marveling at God's blessing to both women and their babies. She ends her song with a more general blessing for all who believe in the Word of God. We will analyze the work of the Holy Spirit in this event and ponder the intricate relationship between God's immutable Providence, Mary's faith and God's blessings. Ultimately we will simply delight in the rich imagery of this story and gaze in awe at the dramatic meeting of two wombs!