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Sermon Title: A Kingdom of Lambs; Luke 10:1-3

"Jesus juxtaposes two seemingly disparate analogies to reveal a stunning truth concerning the labor of the Kingdom."

Recorded on: Sunday, 04/30/2023 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 4/30/2023. After turning His face towards Jerusalem and His imminent departure, Jesus' focus turns to training His followers to be radical disciples. After three examples of how not to be a disciple, Luke turns to Jesus' instructive commissioning of seventy-two disciples to go two-by-two into the surrounding areas proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom of God. Jesus uses two seemingly disparate analogies to reveal a stunning truth about the nature of the labor of the Kingdom. As He commissions these "apostlers", He describes the nature of the world they will go into, the overwhelming size of their task, the urgency of their work, the vicious opposition they will face, and the seeming helplessness of their work force. We will analyze all of these aspects of discipleship and come to a shocking conclusion: Jesus is purposefully preparing to fight overwhelming odds in the epic spiritual battle of humankind with nothing more than a Kingdom of lambs!