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Sermon Title: Missionaries of Peace; Luke 10:4-9

"What happens when a missionary of peace tells a son or daughter of peace about the Prince of Peace!"

Recorded on: Sunday, 05/14/2023 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 2023-5-14. After establishing the difficulties and dangers the laborers who engage in the evangelistic work of the Kingdom will face, Jesus continues to prepare the seventy-two disciples for their exemplary and formative journey. He instructs them to "travel light" as they face the humanly impossible task of harvesting the souls of the elect in a field full of ravenous and demonic wolves. But it is precisely this total dependence on the power and provision of God that will insure the success of their mission of peace. We will define what Jesus means by "peace' and how His instructions to form personal relationships with those who receive them form the very backbone of His Kingdom strategy to conquer the world with the Gospel. The formula is deceptively simple and the task of every Christian. The Kingdom will be built when the missionaries of peace tell the sons and daughters of peace about the Prince of Peace!