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Sermon Title: Words of Woe; Luke 10:10-16

"Analyzing the dire consequences of rejecting Jesus' offer of redemption, righteousness, and peace."

Recorded on: Sunday, 05/21/2023 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 2023-5-21. In this message we continue to study the sending of the seventy-two disciples as a model of the missional outreach of the church. Jesus turns from giving positive instructions to His evangelists on how to bless the people they meet, to negative instructions of what do do when their message is rejected. With words full of compassion, sorrow and indignation, Jesus launches into a sequence of dire warnings aimed at all who will not receive His message of redemption, righteousness, and peace. Speaking first of the towns and villages they will visit, and then of specific cities in Galilee, Jesus makes stunning statements of the severity of the judgment they will face. For those who have been exposed to the Gospel and fail to receive it will face harsher judgment than even the pagan, Gentile cities famous for egregious moral sin. Ultimately we will extend Jesus' compassionate appeal to our own cities and the people who live there, to heed His words of woe and receive His words of peace while there is still time.