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Sermon Title: Mary's Song of Worship Part 3; Luke 1:51-53

"Learning the importance of a humble and contrite heart in true Kingdom worship."

Recorded on: Sunday, 03/07/2021 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 03/07/2021. In Part 3 of our study of Mary's "Magnificat", we will turn our attention to the nature of the Kingdom that God is establishing on earth through the Advent and ministry of His Son. After a short discussion of God's Providential care for His people, we will analyze Mary's understanding of the "upside-down" nature of this Kingdom, and the radical spiritual and social change that its establishment will bring. For in this Heavenly Kingdom the humble are exalted and the arrogant are brought low; the poor are filled with good things and the rich are sent away empty. Ultimately we will continue to learn from Mary's song of worship that to praise, adore and exalt God with a humble and contrite soul are essential aspects of the heart of true Kingdom worship.