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Sermon Title: War Or Peace?; Luke 1:67-69

"How Zechariah's song of prophecy sheds light on the "Triumphal Entry"."

Recorded on: Sunday, 03/28/2021 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 03/28/2021. After Zechariah's voice is restored, he immediately launches into a song of his own, praising God and "blessing" Him for His covenantal faithfulness. In these opening verses he specifically praises God for His visitation, His redemption, and His mighty power to save His people. We will analyze the profound significance of each one of these divine blessings. But as the Lord would have it, this passage fell on Palm Sunday when we traditionally celebrate our Lord's "Triumphal Entry" into Jerusalem. The imagery of Zechariah's song of prophecy and how it can be applied to the "Triumphal Entry" is simply stunning. It presents all who read it with the poignant question: "When the Lord visits you with His offer of redemption-- what will it be? War or Peace?"