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Sermon Title: Lament for the Lost; Luke 13:34-35

"Jesus' lament of "unfathomable pathos" for those shut outside the Narrow Door."

Recorded on: Sunday, 03/24/2024 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday Morning Worship Service, 3/24/2024. After sending word to Herod via the Pharisees that He had no intention of altering His teleological course to the Cross, Jesus turns His attention to the foreboding future of His people. In a passage commonly known as the "Lament for Jerusalem", Jesus reveals His heart-broken angst for the recalcitrance of His people and the inevitable judgment that awaits all who reject God's gracious plan of redemption. We will analyze His words and study the analogy of a mother hen protecting her chicks and how it relates to the ministry of Jesus. We will consider the "unfathomable pathos" of the lament and probe to grasp its significance in light of the recent discussion of the shutting of the Narrow Door. Ultimately, we will realize and proclaim that while the Door remains open, these are the tears of forewarning; but when the Door shuts forever-- they become the lament for the lost.