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Sermon Title: The Living Resurrection; Acts 2:14-38

"Probing the ultimate question: Is the Resurrection alive or dead for you?"

Recorded on: Sunday, 04/04/2021 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 04/04/2021. We all know that Easter is a day on which we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave. But to many it is not a life-bringing reality but a dead holiday. The question: "Is the Resurrection alive or dead for you?" might seem nonsensical, but it is not! It is actually the ultimate question that will determine where you will spend eternity. For if the Resurrection is dead, then Jesus will not reign in your life, and if He is not the Risen, Ascended and Coronated Lord of your life-- chances are He is not really your Savior either. In this message we will see how the early church (as represented by Peter's Pentecost sermon), believed fully that the Resurrection was not just an historical fact, but a dynamic, life-changing, Living Resurrection that formed the foundation of their message their doctrine, and their faith.