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Sermon Title: The King of Heaven Arrives; Luke 2:1-7

"Discovering the glory and power in Jesus' humble birth."

Recorded on: Sunday, 04/25/2021 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 04/25/2021. During the reign of Caesar Augustus, one of the most accomplished, wealthy, powerful, and respected rulers the world has ever known-- a baby boy is born to a peasant couple in an obscure, insignificant village, under the most humble of circumstances. And yet, things are not always what they seem! For what the world considers to be the pinnacle of power and achievement is only vapor in the wind of God's Providential purpose. For the true power and dominion is to be found in the humble King lying in a manger in Bethlehem. As we study Luke's very familiar nativity narrative, we will notice the purposeful presentation of the humble way Christ entered the world, and the comparison between the kingdoms of the earth and the One who truly wields the power of God. Christians should find comfort and strength even in the worst of times when they consider their own humble estate and that our strength is to be found not in the things of this world-- but in the King of Heaven who has finally arrived!