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Sermon Title: The Hymn of the Heavenly Host; Luke 2:13-14

"Heaven overflows to celebrate the Advent of the King, the Kingdom, and the battle!"

Recorded on: Sunday, 05/09/2021 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 05/09/2021. Our focus for this message remains in the fields outside Bethlehem as a group of shepherds are stunned by the appearance of an angel and the glory of God. After the angel announces the birth of Jesus, and gives a clear description of the Good News, the scene gets even more spectacular as an army of heavenly angels all of a sudden "are" in the midst of the Shekinah. The heavenly choir breaks out into a chorus praising God for the glorious Advent of Christ. We will analyze this scene in its fullness, trying desperately to overcome the popular notions of the event. We will discover that not only has heaven overflowed with joy because of the culmination of God's plan of redemption, but these warriors of heaven are extolling the Advent of their King, His Kingdom and the battle that will ensue-- as the forces of Light penetrate the darkness and sing out with boldness the hymn of the heavenly host.