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Sermon Title: Yahweh Saves; Luke 2:21-24

"Exploring the continuity between the "old" and the "new" as revealed in the name of Jesus."

Recorded on: Sunday, 05/23/2021 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 05/23/2021. After the angelic host returned to heaven and the Shekinah of God disappeared, and the shepherds shared their amazing story with Joseph and Mary-- our attention naturally turns to the life and ministry of the Christ. But before that happens, Luke "puts the brakes on" and reminds us how deeply that life and ministry is anchored in the Old Testament and the righteousness that came from keeping the Law of His Father. In this morning's message we will focus on His earthly parents' faithful observance of the rites of circumcision, purification, and dedication, and how they related to His totally unique situation. But ultimately, we will concentrate on the glorious significance of the name He was given by the Triune God Himself-- a significance that is too often misunderstood in modern Christendom. A name that profoundly and emphatically proclaims-- "Yahweh Saves".