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Sermon Title: The Stone of Offense; Luke 2:33-35

"Recognizing the polarizing effect of God's Truth as revealed in Jesus Christ."

Recorded on: Sunday, 06/13/2021 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 06/13/2021. As the old man Simeon gazes into the eyes of the child he cradles lovingly in his arms, he recognizes Him as the very essence of salvation. But he also recognizes the fierce opposition that will grow against His ministry and the Truth He represents. Throughout the history of redemption there has always been a polarized reaction to the revelation of God's truth: some will recognize it and embrace it, while others will vehemently oppose it. The Truth, rather than uniting the two groups in a gray area of mutual understanding, separates them by sharply defining the distinction between Light and dark, Truth and falsehood. We will analyze this principle and apply it to the child in Simeon's arms, the greatest revelation of God's truth ever to be gifted to humankind-- Jesus the Christ. But in the most powerful way, and with eternal consequences, we will see that even though for some He is the Rock of Ages (their salvation)-- for others He is the Stone of Offense and a Rock of Stumbling.