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Sermon Title: Sharing Kingdom Greatness; Luke 1:13-17

"Learning from the angel Gabriel how to share in the attributes of true Kingdom Greatness."

Recorded on: Sunday, 01/17/2021 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 01/17/2021. After suddenly appearing to Zechariah in the Holy Place of the Temple, the angel Gabriel shares the message he has been sent to deliver. Zechariah and Elizabeth are to have a son-- even in their old age. The angel goes on to describe in part what will make this child great in the eyes of the Lord. We will analyze these attributes of greatness and discuss how Luke once again grounds his narrative in the Redemptive History of Israel as he tells the story of the Incarnation. Ultimately we will apply these attributes to ourselves and discover the startling fact that we as Christians are called to emulate these same attributes and thereby share (to a degree) with Zechariah's son in true Kingdom Greatness.