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Sermon Title: Conquering Anfechtung!; Luke 4:1-4

"Learning to conquer satan's nefarious strategy in temptation."

Recorded on: Sunday, 08/29/2021 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 08/29/2021. Our attention turns now to the time of testing that Jesus suffered in the wilderness of Judea, in preparation for His ministry. In this message, we will concentrate on the situational background of the temptation, the Old Testament associations of the temptation, and the first of the three temptations-- to turn stones into bread. In all of these we will pull out satan's tactics as he tries to destroy those who turn to God and desire to walk in his ways. After establishing his nefarious strategy, we will discuss ways that we, as modern-day Christians can not only combat but triumph over his evil plans. We will learn a new word (for most people)-- "Anfechtung", which was coined by Martin Luther and refers to the severe oppression of satan's constant attacks. But a vital part of Anfechtung, which we will also discuss, is that sometimes God allows this temptation to beset his saints in order to both discipline and sanctify them. By learning these truths we will be better equipped to conquer Anfechtung!