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Islands in the Stream

by Rev. Kirby Williams

How to endure and conquer in the midst of a pagan culture.

Text: Daniel 1:17-21
Date: 04/02/2017, the Evening service.
Series: "Daniel: Divine Dominion and Deliverance" Part 3

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As we round out this first chapter, the remaining details of the indoctrination of Daniel and his three friends in Babylonian culture and religion are presented. Not only did they make it through, growing in physical strength and health, but they excelled intellectually in all their studies. We will consider the fact, however, the knowledge they are excelling in is the witchcraft and false religion of Babylon! We will put this all into perspective as we see how God's hand has directed them and how faith has sustained them. We will glean valuable lessons from the text as we apply the principles of Daniel's success to the spiritual warfare that Christians and the church go through on a daily basis. And ultimately receive great encouragement as we learn to stand rock solid-- like islands in the stream, against the pagan culture that assails us.

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I. Introduction
II. Exposition of the text, Daniel 1:17-21.
A. Context
B. Conquering the Pagan court.
1. Equipped for victory, vs. 17.
a. The hand of God, Dan. 1:9,15.
b. Excelling in learning and wisdom.
c. A special gift.
d. Equipped for conquest and endurance.
i. A competitive environment.
ii. Probing the meaning of knowledge, Prov. 1:7.
iii. Knowledge that dominates and endures.
2. The final exam, vs. 18-20.
a. Appearing before the king, vs. 18.
b. Acing the exam, vs. 19.
c. The clash of knowledge, vs. 20.
3. Daniel's triumph, vs. 21.
III. Application
A. A positive approach.
B. Encouragement from Scripture.
C. Encouragement from the text.
1. Thriving in the midst of the stream.
2. Carefully choosing battles.
3. Fortified with true knowledge.
4. Islands that endure and conquer.
IV. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams
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