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The True Descendents of Abraham

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Learning what it means to be a true descendent of Abraham.

Text: John 8:37-40
Date: 10/08/2017, the Contemporary service.
Series: "John: Encountering Love" Part 64

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As the confrontation between Jesus and the Jews of Jerusalem continues, it appears the conversation begins to get heated. Jesus has just proclaimed that as the Son of the Father He and He alone can truly set people free from the sin that enslaves them. Indignantly the Jews have pointed to their heritage as the sons of Abraham as their guarantee of relationship with God, and persist in ignoring and denouncing Jesus. In this interchange, Jesus concedes the fact they are indeed the descendents of Abraham by lineage but even if that association could save them they would still be lost because they bore no resemblance to Abraham as a man who believed, obeyed and loved God. Therefore they were blind to God's true revelation, and were seeking to kill God's only Son-- something Abraham would have never done. A powerful message lies within this text for the church-- that salvation cannot be attained through traditions, deeds, association or any other means than a personal relationship with Jesus the Christ. Ultimately, we learn it is those who are filled with the Living Word and thereby do the works of Abraham who are the only true descendents of Abraham.

View:  Options: 

I. Introduction, Luke 2:29-32, 38.
II. Exposition of the text, John 8:37-40.
A. Context
1. Reviewing the narrative.
2. A brief overview, Gen. 3:15.
B. Determining the true descendents of Abraham.
1. Impervious to the Word, vs. 37, John 8:31.
a. Sons through lineage.
i. Searching for the character of Abraham, Matt. 3:9, John 5:45-47.
ii. The pillars of "religiosity", Gal. 3:29.
b. Positive proof, Rom. 8:5, Gal. 5:17, Matt. 7:20.
c. No room for the Word, John 6:44.
2. Fathers and sons, vs. 38.
a. The Father of the seed of the woman, John 8:26, 28, 5:19.
b. The father of the seed of the serpent.
c. The Living Word.
3. The works of Abraham, vs. 39.
a. An indignant response.
b. Known by their fruits.
c. Identifying the works of Abraham.
i. Faith, Gen. 3:15.
ii. Obedience, Gen. 26:5, Matt. 7:17, 15:6.
iii. Openness to revelation, Gen. 18:1, John 8:56.
iv. Adoration, Isa. 41:8, John 8:29.
4. More proof, vs. 40.
III. Application
A. Leave room for the Word of God.
B. Do the works of Abraham.
1. Believe
2. Obey
3. Be open to the Word.
4. Love the Lord.
IV. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams
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