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On Truth and Knowledge

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Discovering the source and nature of truth and knowledge and how it may be found.

Text: John 8:54-55
Date: 11/05/2017, the Traditional service.
Series: "John: Encountering Love" Part 68

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In the course of the ongoing contention between Jesus and the Jews in the Temple at Jerusalem, John repeatedly emphasizes the central themes of His Gospel. In this message we will touch on two of those great themes: glorifying God and the sharp distinction between truth and falsehood. After we take a close look at the text, we will step back and notice that Jesus through His very language has opened a discussion of how one can know God and thereby know the truth. Looking at the corpus of John's Gospel, we will ask a series of questions. What is the nature of true knowledge? Where does true knowledge come from? And how can it be obtained? We will compare John's Christian solution to that of the Jews and Greeks and find striking corollaries with the various ideas of truth in our culture today. Ultimately we will realize that truth and knowledge can only come from God and there is only one channel through which it may flow-- and that is a personal relationship with Jesus, the Christ.

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I. Introduction
II. Exposition of the text, John 8:54-55.
A. Context
B. True and False relationships with God.
1. On glorifying the Father, vs. 54.
a. The glory in Jesus' relationship to the Father, John 8:50.
b. The Jews' tarnished relationship with God, John 5:44.
2. On knowing the Father, vs. 55, John 8:19, 5:37.
a. Where God is not known.
i. A stranger in His own house.
ii. Knowing the wrong thing.
b. Where God is known.
c. On truth and lies, John 8:53.
d. Proof of "knowing".
III. Interpretation
A. Looking at the grammar.
B. John's discourse on Truth and Knowledge.
1. Remembering John's audience.
2. Exploring the three mindsets.
a. The Jewish mindset.
i. The way it should have been (in theory).
ii. The way it was (in reality), Matt. 15:6-9.
b. The Greek mindset.
i. The teachings of Plato.
ii. The teachings of Aristotle.
iii. The teachings of Gnosticism.
iv. The relevance today.
c. The Christian mindset, Heb. 1:1-2.
IV. Application
A. The need for continual Reformation.
B. The need for Christian education.
C. Christian education at New Hope.
V. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams
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