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Walking in the Light

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Seeking the Kingdom of God by faithfully walking and working with Jesus.

Text: John 11:7-10
Date: 06/17/2018, the Traditional service.
Series: "John: Encountering Love" Part 95

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After a dramatic two-day delay, Jesus announces to His disciples it is finally time to return to Judea to attend to the illness of their friend Lazarus. Somewhat startled, the disciples warn Jesus of the impending danger that still awaits Him there. In response, Jesus tells a proverb of sorts on the familiar subject (in John's Gospel) of light. We will analyze the illustration from both a literal and metaphorical perspective, concentrating on what the saying meant to Jesus, as well as to His disciples-- both past and present. Ultimately we will realize the symbolism in the illustration and learn that we will be most effective as Kingdom-workers when we dutifully (cognizant of the time) and faithfully walk and work in the brilliant Light of Christ.

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I. Introduction
II. Exposition of the text, John 11:7-10.
A. Context
B. The decision to return to Judea.
1. A surprising "invitation"", vs. 7.
a. Understanding through misunderstanding.
b. The end of the delay.
c. A dangerous destiny.
i. Into harm's way.
ii. Following the Light.
2. A surprised reaction, vs. 8.
3. The illustration of time and light, vs. 9-10.
a. Understanding "12 hours in a day"", vs. 9a.
b. The literal interpretation.
i. The positive statement, vs. 9b.
ii. The negative statement, vs. 10.
c. Levels of interpretation.
d. Noticing the repetition, John 9:3-5, 11:4, 1:9-10.
C. Interpretation
1. The application for Jesus, John 9:5.
2. The immediate application for the disciples, Matt. 26:31.
3. The application for disciples in the church age.
a. The work of the Kingdom.
b. Working without fear.
c. Understanding the urgency, John 9:4.
d. Kingdom-time management.
III. Application, John 8:12, Eph. 5:8.
IV. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams
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