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Sermon Title: Making Peace with Reprobation; 1Pet. 2:6-8

"Wrestling with one of Scripture\'s most difficult doctrines."

Recorded on: Sunday, 08/18/2019 at 06:30 PM

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Delivered during the Sunday evening worship service, 08/18/2019. Perhaps one of the most difficult (and unpopular!) doctrines of the Christian faith is the doctrine of reprobation. Even Reformed preachers tend to avoid or underplay it, and non-Reformed preachers often demonize it, as well as those who profess it. But not only is the doctrine of reprobation Scriptural, it is an essential part of the doctrine of election. It is also grossly misunderstood, mis-interpreted, mis-represented, and mis-applied in the way it is popularly understood. In our text for this evening, Peter places belief in Jesus at the very epicenter of salvation, using several Old Testament quotations to emphasize that the Living Stone is also the rock of offense for those who reject Him. In expressing the sovereignty of God and the preeminence of Christ, he brushes up against the doctrine of reprobation. So we will boldly go where others fear to tread as we seek to make peace with Reprobation.