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Sermon Title: The Kingdom Witness; 1Pet. 2:11-12

"Bearing witness to Christ through changed lives that reflect His Kingdom."

Recorded on: Sunday, 10/06/2019 at 06:30 PM

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Delivered during the Sunday evening worship service, 10/06/2019. In the opening sections of Peter's letter he has extolled and borne witness to the magnificent salvation Christ has won for his believing readers through His life, ministry, teaching, and atoning sacrifice on the Cross. He has spoken in broad Theological and Christological terms of both the blessing for those who accept this Gospel and the judgment for those who reject it. Now he turns his attention to a different witness-- the witness of the lives of those who have been redeemed-- especially in the context of the hostile world that surrounds them. In what serves as a summarizing prologue for the rest of the book, Peter urges his readers to stand firm in their sanctification even in the face of unjust treatment by the culture. He reminds them (and us!) that we are citizens of another Kingdom and that our conduct should reflect and honor its King-- and thereby bear our Kingdom Witness.