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Chosen in Christ

by Pastor Tony Dominguez

The sovereignty of God in election.

Text: Ephesians 1:4-6
Date: 02/17/2019, the Contemporary service.

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Exploring what Scripture says about God's sovereignty in election.

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I. Scripture Introduction.
II. Sermon Introduction.
A. Objections to election.
1. Denial of election.
2. Election based on God's foreknowledge.
B. Election
III. Sermon Body
A. God has chosen us.
1. God, the Father, elects some to be saved.
2. God, the Holy Spirit, regenerates.
3. God, the Son, redeems.
B. God has adopted us.
C. God has accepted us.
IV. Conclusion
A. Summary
B. Closing

Pastoral Intern Tony Dominguez
Sermon Audio

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