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The Power of Glory, Hope and Love

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Tapping into the self-perpetuating powersource of the Kingdom.

Text: John 13:31-35
Date: 03/03/2019, the Traditional service.
Series: "John: Encountering Love" Part 125

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As the action of the Last Supper comes to an end with Judas' dismissal, Jesus launches into a discourse that will continue to the 18th chapter. In our text for this study He focuses on three seemingly disconnected thoughts: His imminent glorification on the Cross, His subsequent departure, and a "new" commandment for His disciples to love each other. But far from being disconnected, we will find these principles form the very powersource of the church He will leave behind. For as a result of His glorification, the sin-barriers that impede true love will be removed, and after He departs, the church will find power, protection and purpose in the love they have for each other. With this reflected love of God and the hope of ultimate reunion with their Lord, they will be equipped to face the trials that are to come and reach out into the darkness with the intensified love of Christ for more disciples. We will once again see the "golden chain" that flows from the Father to the Son to the disciples and ultimately to the world as we tap into the power of His glory, hope and love.

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I. Introduction
II. Exposition of the text, John 13:31-35.
A. Context
B. The glorious task, vs. 31-32.
1. How the Son glorifies the Father, vs. 31.
a. The departure of the betrayer.
i. The Passion narrative in motion.
ii. A window into Jesus' character.
iii. A change in tone.
b. Glory to the Son.
i. A familiar title, John 12:23.
ii. Focus on glory.
iii. Focus on humility.
c. Glory to the Father.
i. The mystery of the Trinity.
ii. The "oneness" of the Trinity, John 10:30.
iii. The "persons" of the Trinity.
2. How the Father glorifies the Son, vs. 32.
a. God's glory if manifest in the Son, Heb. 1:3.
b. God will glorify the Son in himself.
c. Imminent glory.
C. The glorious hope, vs. 33.
1. On the surface.
a. A tender address.
i. An allusion to Kingdom Greatness, Matt. 18:4.
ii. An address of tender affection.
b. Preparing for departure.
i. The departure from life.
ii. The Ascension, Acts 1:9-11.
2. A deeper look.
a. The message to the Jews.
i. Re-distinguishing "the Jews".
ii. At the Feast of Booths, John 7:33-36.
iii. In the Treasury, John 8:21-24.
iv. Noticing the differences.
b. The message of hope to the disciples, John 13:36, 14:2-3, 19.
D. The glorious commandment, vs. 34-35.
1. The "eleventh" commandment, vs. 34.
a. Spurgeon's illustration.
b. The "new" commandment.
i. Grounded in the Old Testament, Lev. 19:18, Matt. 22:37-40.
ii. A new commandment, "in Christ".
• Revisiting the departure.
• Revisiting the glory.
• What makes the command "do-able", John 8:24.
c. The golden chain of love!
i. The content of the command.
ii. Love that flows, John 13:20.
2. The mark of a true disciple, vs. 35.
a. A love focused inwards.
b. The love that flows from God intensified.
i. The source of love.
ii. The Father sends His love in the Son.
iii. The Son loves His disciples, John 13:1.
iv. The Son teaches the disciples to love.
v. The love intensifies.
c. A love that flows outwards.
III. Application
A. Glory
B. Hope, 1John 4:12.
C. Love
IV. Conclusion

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams
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